
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The baby of the family

I have been told for years that the "baby" of the family is the baby whether they are 6 months old or 18. In my experience, this meant that the baby got away with more than the other kids. I was pretty adamant early on that the baby of our family would be treated no differently. (Kind of just like I said that my 2 year old would not throw any temper tantrums & my teens won't ever roll their eyes.) When you have more than one child, you know how different they can be. Each personality has their own spark. My baby of the family, "Zippy", is 7. He is the smooth talking charmer with dimples. He is also my logical thinker. He can make me angry, laugh & cry at the same time.

He was in the backyard playing on the trampoline. It gets very dirty so I am always loudly explaining (True meaning: Yelling. Don't judge.) that he shouldn't wear his socks. I also loudly explain that he has to wash off before sitting on the furniture. (I am no cleaning fanatic, but this kid could make mud out of sand and water.) When I looked outside, I saw my new sweeper vacuum sitting in the dirt. Without hesitation, I begin yel---ahem, loudly explaining to him he can't bring that outside. He looks at me, tilts his head and gives me the 'I-know-you-are-mad-at-me-but-I-am-your-baby-and-I-make-you-angry-laugh-and-cry-at-the-same-time-and-you-love-how-adorable-I-am' smile. He says, in his best smooth talking, logical thinking voice "Well, you told me that the trampoline is always dirty so I get too dirty while playing on it. You clean the floor when it gets dirty, right? I thought that if I vacuumed the trampoline, it would stay clean and I would not have to take a bath. (Why is bath water like kryptonite to some kids? You'd think the bath tub was going to taser him.) And you would be happy that I cleaned something for you." Seriously? I would be thrilled if he would flush the toilet. I might spontaneously combust if he picked up the cheetos in between the couch cushions. I want to be mad. Very mad. But after all, he is my baby that makes me angry, laugh and cry all at the same time and I love how adorable he is. All of my toddlers had temper tantrums, my tween and teen roll their eyes, and my baby is the baby. So much for breaking cycles. ;)

But, when I compare a vacuum and a little dirt to the scenarios the middle schooler & high schooler bring to me, I realize I can relax. I've learned to choose my battles wisely. Everything is relative. And he was trying to help......sorta.

That's just how I see it. But maybe it's my misperception.

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