
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Social Mom Product Review: Pat the Beastie, written by Henrik Drescher

Pat the Beastie by Henrik Drescher is now a favorite read in my house. My boys, who are 5 and 3, were attracted to this unique storyline from the minute they opened to the first page. It’s a modern day take on Pat the Bunny, written by Dorothy Kunhardt, which we had been told by our pediatrician to read every day to my oldest when he was a baby.

Paul and Judy, two wide eyed mischievous kids, basically torture Beastie, which at first, caused me to question the message in the book. However, in the end, nothing good comes from Paul and Judy’s behavior and as punishment for making Beastie suffer, they end up being eaten by Beastie. While the message was delivered in an interesting way, the underlying significance of the lesson learned is clear: YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE or WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND or the ever popular, TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED. I did feel better knowing that Beastie’s friends were on the sidelines of each page sticking up for Beastie, warning Paul and Judy, and the reader, what could happen if Beastie continued to be mistreated.

What I like about this book is the interaction the boys can have with it. Each page allows them to participate in the story, for example, pulling Beastie’s hair, jiggling Beastie’s eyes, tickling his feet, playing peekaboo with Beastie and the absolute favorite, pulling Beastie’s worm boogers (see picture). Every night, when I ask the kids what book they want to read before bedtime, they respond with Pat the Beastie. Henrik Drescher clearly understands how to create a successful children’s book!

Written by Ellie Hirsch, founder of Mommy Masters and Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine Social Mom (

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