
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Disney's new movie "Prom"

Prom. It’s one of those events that never really lives up to our expectations. But, 20 years later, somehow we can conjure up a few fond memories of the evening. Attending the sneak preview of Disney’s new movie “Prom” definitely took me back to 1994. The good, the bad......and the drama.

I read an article ahead of time that discussed how there were no current actors that were hired to play the teenagers. They wanted people who were fresh, relatable and could tell the story. There really are no big stars in the cast at all. I tried to go in with an open mind and without expectations.

Truthfully, I was just thrilled that my 13 year old daughter gave up a few social hours over Spring Break to accompany me to the preview. It gets off to a rather slow start while setting up the story. And as an adult, it is quite predictable. But, the story does take you back to your inner 17 year old. They rounded of the cast fairly accurately and did a pretty decent job of representing the life of high school and prom. You had the smart girl, the prep, the jock, the pretty girl, the rebel, the couple that has been together since middle school, the guy who can’t get a date as well as several “misfits”. There’s even a guy who is obviously stoned out of his mind the entire time. This is a Disney movie. Even though everyone in the audience knows he’s stoned, it’s never discussed. They manage to keep all of the really negative things that actually happen in high school out while still making a few good points. There are many lessons within this movie, several that even adults need to be reminded about. And while your teenager may not absorb the majority of them, they will walk away with something that they didn’t realize before. This story deals with goals and relationships. It shows you that you should learn from bad decisions and helps you realize what people are “good” for you. It also reminds you that things aren’t always as they appear and being judgmental can backfire on you. There’s even a “little” lesson in there for us parents regarding our teens.

My daughter and I laughed and then cried. It was a great moment for both of us to have. I remembered exactly what it was like to be her age. It reminded me that just because something doesn’t matter “in the grand scheme of things” or “20 years down the road”, it doesn’t mean that the weight of the world isn’t seemingly on their shoulders at that time. It’s all they know. She felt good knowing that someone out there understands what it’s like to be a teenager.

The predictability and simplicity of this movie shouldn’t sway you from seeing this movie. Try to keep in mind who the target audience is. As adults, we’ve been to Prom. We know it isn’t as amazing as they’re selling it. But, let your daughter live vicariously through the movie. It’s predictable because it’s accurate and it’s simple because it’s truthful. It will create a moment for you as a parent---if you allow it---to bond with your child. I encourage every mother and father with a teenager (especially their daughters) to make the time for this movie.

Disney’s “Prom” isn't going to won’t win any Academy awards, but it does allow the opportunity to connect you with your teenager. And I think that deserves an award in itself.

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